Research Ethics
The Faculty of Social Sciences supports doctoral candidates and researchers to address ethical challenges in the preparation and conduct of research based on an online self-assessment (see below). Furthermore the Faculty offers a collection of resources and information material in the resources and support section.
Pre-screening for PhD projects
Doctoral candidates are obliged to do this online self-assessment in preparation of the public presentation at the faculty ("fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation, FÖP") in the form of the pre-screening for PhD projects. The result of the self-assessment is discussed with the Doctoral Advisory Board in course of the public presentation at the Faculty. Doctoral candidates are advised to consider all comments received throughout the process.
Some departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences additionally expect affiliated doctoral candidates who successfully passed the public presentation at the Faculty to do the regular Research Ethics Screening (available for all researchers of the Faculty, see below), before they actually start the empirical research phase. In case of questions doctoral candidates should turn to their supervisor.
Research Ethics Screening
Researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences do the online self-assessment in course of the project development in the form of the Research Ethics Screening. Depending on the department the process is either encouraged or mandatory. At some departments it is also mandatory for doctoral candidates, who have successfully passed the public presentation at the Faculty.
The Research Ethics Screening gives researchers and project teams the possibility to reflect on potential ethical risks, problems and challenges related to their projects and to obtain feedback by the Institutional Review Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences. They either receive a confirmation, that the project can be realized on the resarcher's own responsibility, or they must submit an application to the Ethics Committee of the University of Vienna. Based on Austrian legislation (2002 Universities Act) and the Statutes of the University of Vienna, the Ethics Committee is entitled to assess, if research projects respect the fundamental values of human dignity, liberty and health and do not violate any legal provisions.