Mediatised Lifeworlds: Young people's narrative constructions, connections and appropriations

The interdisciplinary research platform Mediatised Lifeworlds: Young people's narrative constructions, connections and appropriations was established at the University of Vienna in May 2018. Four faculties are actively involved in the research platform: Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Philosophy and Education.

The research platform focuses on the narratives that young people use to construct identities, form social connections, and appropriate knowledge and skills, and has a strong mission to support young researchers' projects.



Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Susanne Reichl, Privatdoz., Department of English and American Studies

Deputy Head:

ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ute Smit, Department of English and American Studies

Members of the Faculty of Social Sciences:

emer. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Bauer, Department of Communication
Mag. Dr. Petra Herczeg, Privatdoz., Department of Communication
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Pol. Univ. Dr. Michaela Pfadenhauer, Department of Sociology

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