Youth agency and the 'crisis': existing and emerging lines of analysis in the transition to adulthood debate

16.10.2018, 17:00 Uhr

Valentina Cuzzocrea, PhD
Università degli Studi di Cagliari

This presentation is grounded in the corpus of literature called ‘transition to adulthood’. This is a relatively recent, but fast growing and lively body of work which investigates how young people become adult under different socio-economic circumstances. Given the worsening of conditions for young people in times of crisis, the ultimate interest of these studies is to identify circumstances that facilitate this transition, and/or discuss those which hinder independence.

While not aiming to reconstruct this debate entirely, this presentation seeks to pinpoint some of the tensions, fractures and aporias emerged in it in the last 15 years, with particular reference to the concept of ‘youth agency’, and introduces emerging lines of analysis in this scenario. In particular, the presentation will focus on some recent re-elaborations of youth agency which intersect with notions of embeddedness and belongings on the one hand, and mobility on the other. The articulations of these will offer evidence of (multiple) possibilities of diverse and insightful research agendas in this field.

Venue: Department of Sociology, Rooseveltplatz 2, 1090 Vienna, Seminar Room 3





Vortragssprache: Englisch

Teaser Soziologische Vorträge