AdME: Advertising and Media Effects Research Group

The main research interest of the Advertising and Media Effects Research Group is to understand the various effects of mass media on people’s thinking, attitudes, and behavior. Although the group mainly focuses on advertising media, their work involves several aspects of communication (advertising and politics), multiple levels of analysis, and it is relevant to various areas of the discipline (e.g., media effects, media content, media reception). It deals with attitudes and cognition broadly construed, and has implications for understanding the role of mass media for both citizens and society. AdME continually seek to ensure that their work has theoretical importance, methodological rigor, and clear relevance to the society at large.

They draw on theories and concepts from the fields of communication, psychology, political science, and marketing. In all these areas, they appreciate and have taken advantage of the opportunity to conduct studies on different types of media, with different populations, in several countries, and with different methods (i.e., content analysis, survey, experiment). AdME’s fundamental goal is to produce high-calibre research that is published in the leading outlets of the field.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes, Department of Communication